To make matters worse – Make a problem worse.Time flies when you’re having fun – You don’t notice how long something lasts when it’s fun.A picture is worth 1000 words – Better to show than tell.A penny for your thoughts – Tell me what you’re thinking.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush – What you have is worth more than what you might have later.Make a long story short – Tell something briefly.We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it – Let’s not talk about that problem right now.No pain, no gain – You have to work for what you want.You can say that again – That’s true, I agree.Cut somebody some slack – Don’t be so critical.A perfect storm – the worst possible situation.A penny saved is a penny earned – Money you save today you can spend later.

A blessing in disguise – a good thing that seemed bad at first.Wrap your head around something – Understand something complicated.Give someone the benefit of the doubt – Trust what someone says.

Call it a day – Stop working on something.The best of both worlds – An ideal situation.It’s not rocket science – It’s not complicated.Pull someone’s leg – To joke with someone.Cutting corners – Doing something poorly in order to save time or money.Speak of the devil – The person we were just talking about showed up!.That’s the last straw – My patience has run out.Bite the bullet – To get something over with because it is inevitable.Your guess is as good as mine – I have no idea.Go back to the drawing board – Start over.Idioms might be difficult to decipher if English is not your first language, but with this list of common idioms from EF, you will be sure to be an expert on idioms in no time! There are many different expressions in the English language that are considered idioms. What are other common idioms in the English language? This list of synonyms of cloud nine is provided by Power Thesaurus. Learning synonyms is a great way to avoid repeating yourself as well as expand your English language vocabulary. Synonyms are words and sometimes phrases that have the same definition as another word or phrase. There are many different words that can be used in place of the word cloud nine, called synonyms. What are synonyms and antonyms of cloud nine? This term, along with other such acronyms or abbreviations, often have a murky origin. The term was also popularised by the Johnny Dollar radio show of the early 1950s. Early examples of the first printed definition of the term were in the Denton Record Chronicle in May 1949 with an article about United States actress Betty Hutton and the Catalina Island yacht race in June 1947 with a yacht called Cloud Nine per the dictionary of American Slang. While this origin is unknown, we know that the phrase has been used since the 1950s. There are also postulations that the word cloud nine comes from the ten steps of enlightenment in the Buddhist faith and Buddhism. Therefore, in a metaphorical sense, being on cloud nine would mean you are on top of a high up cumulonimbus cloud, and on top of the world in these classifications of cloud. The number nine cloud was the cumulonimbus cloud, which is the highest reaching cloud that can rise up to 10km into the sky. Here, the types of cloud were assigned a numerical order.
What is the origin of the phrase cloud nine?Īccording to The Idioms free dictionary, the term cloud nine comes from the 1896 edition of the International Cloud Atlas. nine if they win a marathon, are a hero who saves the day, if they get into a school like Princeton University or if they complete a very difficult arithmetic sequence. Someone might feel like they are on cloud no. This state of elation and psychological state of pride feels like the very peak of existence, high above glorious white mountains in the sky.