Buddy vs duff
Buddy vs duff

buddy vs duff

What the hell was that? Was he mad at the car guy for not picking him because they were buds? Was his ego just that out of control? Was he under the impression he was "supposed" to win? I'm surprised Food Network would let one of their stars be shown in such a bad light or even hint at the scripted judging that goes on with these shows. The weirdest thing was Buddy flipping out when he lost. I had to laugh when the announcer (who is trying way too hard) said this was the showdown everyone had been asking for. It's clear Buddy thinks Duff is some primadonna to his nose-to-the-grindstone self and Duff thinks Buddy is a loudmouthed jerk. It started with Duff saying he never watched an episode of Cake Boss and went downhill from there. And if it's actual dislike between the two, it's not comfortable to watch. But based on the first episode, this was legitimate because I don't think either of those guys is that good an actor. But when it's scripted bullshit posturing it's just annoying. Watching two guys talk smack can be mildly entertaining when it's generally good natured (think some of the back and forth on Beat Bobby Flay). This thing didn't look good from the promos, and it was below expectations. Duff is good natured and fun to watch, but apparently Buddy is short tempered. Wr don’t need some tacky baker doing the same thing ! Maybe they should think before they put someone like Buddy in a competition. I think we have enough horrible role models including some leaders who whine and cry and insult others if they don’t get their way. Buddy is a horrible person to put on a family network. I watch FN and HGTV to escape obnoxious things and people. Honestly, Buddy makes the show almost unbearable to watch. I would rather watch the kids bake and compete , than see some egotistical baker who feels entitled and can’t be an adult if he doesn’t get his way. The gold chain necklace just topped off the bad stereotype! The childish walking out after he lost was just ridiculous and make him look like a bigger jerk than he did throughout the show.

buddy vs duff

It was tacky, garish, and childish, just like Buddy himself ! And the cake did look like a child’s birthday cake. His assistant did most of the sculpting and design. Talking smack and insulting Duff.Īlso, he may be a good baker, but he’s not artistic. He sounds uneducated and ignorant when he speaks. First of all, his horrible grammar and speech patterns are cringeworthy ! I understand years ago people didn’t leave their neighborhoods and maybe didn’t even go to school, so they spoke like Buddy, but he’s not that old. I am Italian, and I can say that Buddy is a bad stereotype of an Italian. Wow, I have never seen cake boss, or Buddy in any show except Bakers Vs Fakers.

Buddy vs duff